Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
- Erasmus+, University Dunarea de Jos din Galati, Romania, 7-11.10.2019
- Reviewer of the dissertation by Maria Helbo Laub-Ekgreen, entitled "Optimization of pickled herring production - process and quality control" at the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 13 September 2018, supervisor: Prof. Flemming Jessen.
- The inaugural lecture "Proteases from by-products of the fish industry" introducing the academic year 2017/2018, on invitation of Dean WNoZiR, 4/11/2017.
- Member of the Council of Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries, from March 2017.
- Expert in the project "Partnership for vocational training. Step 1: Forum social partners ", 2016-2017 Warsaw, Centre for the Development of Education.
- Membership of Institute of Food Technologists (no. 01039573), Chicago, USA, since 2016.
- A committee member of food technology bloc at the regional stage of XLI Olympics of Knowledge and Skills Agricultural, Pyrzyce, April 22, 2016, no appointment SDS-11/1303/2016.
- Reviewer since 2015: Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences (journal with Impact Factor).
- Develop a core curriculum for vocational education Processor of Fish on request of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Warsaw 12-13 March 2015, the National Centre for Supporting Vocational and Continuing Education.
- Member of the Polish Society of Food Technologists, Warsaw, sience 2013.
- Editorial Board Member, Review Editor since 2013: International Journal of Nutrition and Food Science, Science Publishing Group (USA).
- Handling Editor since 2013: Journal of Coastal Development, OMICS Group.
- Supervisor of Students Scientific Association of Fish Technology and Enzymes, at West Pomeranian University of technology, since 2012.
- Internship Supervisor of Research and Development worker from surimi manufacture Lucky Union Foods Euro, Poland, 2011.
- Webmaster service of the Faculty of Food Science and Fisheries.
- Referee for journals:
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria,
Archives of Polish Fisheries,
Biosensors Journal,
Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities,
Food and Bioprocess Technology,
Food Chemistry,
Food Science and Technology,
Food Science and Technology International,
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies,
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Science,
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology,
Journal of Coastal Development,
Journal of Food Process Engineering,
Journal of Food Quality,
Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Science,
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,
LWT - Food Science and Technology
Meat Science,
Membrane Water Treatment, An International Journal,
Nauka Przyroda Technologie. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu,
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences